3rd Year Ph.D. Candidate
in the Sector of Theoretical Chemistry
of the Department of Chemistry,
at the University of Cambridge.
For a photo of me at work, see here.
Dr Ali Alavi - Group Home Page
Density Functional Theory Calculations of Hydrogen and on the {110} Surface of FCC Metals.
Calculating the diffusion rate of quantum particles through a periodic potential.
H adatoms on a reconstructed copper {110} surface.
I've tried to summarise what I'm doing at the moment in language that most people can understand. I'm not sure whether I've suceeded, but I thought I ought to have a go since lots of people ask me about it.
Here's a link to some photographs I've taken. There aren't very many at the moment, but bear with me...
This is a story written by the Cambridge Student Methodist Society. Anyone on the mailing list is able to extend the story by writing the next part, so it gets a bit random in places ...
Some links to a few websites that I find useful, amusing or both.
*** NEW - Now including Geraldine's Random Internet Sale of the arbitrary time period ***